There's no one someone won't miss
Man on the street
Towards Zero
TAC Victoria


Letras em inglês
Letras em português

At the heart of Towards Zero is the belief that human health is paramount to all else. It acknowledges that, as people, we all make mistakes. However, when mistakes happen on our roads they can cost us our lives or cause serious injury. That's because our bodies aren't made to absorb the forces of high impact speeds. We are fragile, and there's only so much physical force we can withstand and this is why we need to build a safer road system. Improving the safety of our roads, our speeds, our vehicles and our people will improve safety for everyone.

The move Towards Zero is a collaborative effort between everyone in the community. Together, we can build a safer road system and help change road safety for the better.

Transport Accident Commission Victoria.

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There's no one someone won't miss - Man on the street - Towards Zero - TAC Victoria