Prova Concurso Público - MTE/BR - Auditor Fiscal do Trabalho - Junho/2006 - ESAF

Dificuldade Média
(30% a 60% de acertos)

Até agora, cerca de 35% acertaram esta questão.

389 pessoas responderam.

Língua Inglesa

Anexo para as questões 25 a 27

Read the text below which is entitled "The global union" in order to answer questions 25 to 27.

The global union

Source: Newsweek Special Edition Dec 2005 - Feb 2006 (Adapted)

What would a global union look like? Think more corporate partnership than class struggle. Today, capital is global and employers are global. Companies, not countries, make the rules. To survive, unions need to find their niche. Global companies are going to need an organization that, in a sense, will manage their labor and protect workers' rights. A global union would set standard practices and codes of conduct - perhaps even minimum wages and work hours.

My critics in the labor movement cringe when I use words like "partnership" and "value added". The reality is that unions need to add value or corporations will ignore us. If we want an equitable stake in the company, we need to define what our goals are. We can't just demand a raise in pay without offering an incentive to the company. We're already far behind multinational corporations in the global game. We made the mistake of transferring the industrial model of unionism of the last country to the 21st. We lost market share: in 1960, one in four workers was in a union; now it's one in 12.

Exibir/Ocultar texto completo deste anexo.

26ª Questão:

Paragraph 2 of the text allows us to discover that the writer is

a) a critic of the labor union movement from outside it.

100 marcações (26%)
b) a loner worker seeking a raise in his salary through the union.

31 marcações (8%)
c) a critical member of a global multinational corporation.

105 marcações (27%)
d) a unionist who seeks the best for workers and the company.

138 marcações (35%)
e) a stakeholder in the equity of a large corporation.

15 marcações (4%)

Lembre-se: Salvo disposição em contrário, as questões e o gabarito levam em consideração a legislação em vigor à época do edital desta prova, que foi aplicada em Junho/2006.