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Spend less with lighting bill renewal of equipment (Part 1)

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Free risk of new energy rationing, consumer discovers that investing in home appliances has to return in two years. Simple exchange of refrigerator can yield monthly savings of up to R$ 100 in family expenses

Rio - When the bills start to get out of control, is a sign that is not just about changing the habits of the family. To reduce energy costs, often some investments should be made. Replace old appliances and reform the wiring are recommendations of experts. With the reduction in the bill, the changes would pay in a year or two.

Besides the advancement in technology, which allowed the manufacture of more efficient appliances, appliances older are disadvantaged because of wear. Weather causes power consumption is even greater.

Head of the Division of Energy Efficiency in Supply Eletrobras Emerson Salvador explains that after 10 years of use, the refrigerant for refrigerators lose ability to freeze. Thus, the engine is forced to work harder. The loss of adhesion of the rubber door is another time waster. "With 15 years of use, consumption could double," says the expert.

Find out if you are taking advantage of the time of purchase, consumers need to check if the model has category A Procel, created by Eletrobrás. It is only given to products that use more modern materials and more efficient engines. Professor Angelo Telesforo decided to change your old refrigerator with two doors for new one. Impressed by the reduction in the account, reconnected the old for a month to test. That was exactly the difference came to R$ 100. "In the days that have seen at home, I think the space is small. But certainly worth it, "said he.

Thanks to the official certification, other products were cheap. About a year, ceiling fans, which weigh in to the summer, won the seal. The result is that now they are leaving the factory 60% more economical. Have an old money is burning in electrical current.

At Christmas, now would hit store shelves the first LCD TVs with seal Procel. The certification, however, only worth going to the stand by mode (linked only to the outlet). But, contrary to what many think, these devices also quietly spend. With the seal, the economy should be a year from R$ 54. The loss of energy at home does not occur only in the use of appliances and electronics obsolete. The grid and the accumulation of old devices in the same outlet as a result have to face.

The danger of short circuit stresses the need of care. According to the engineer Regina Moniz, the Energy Council of the Regional Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy of Rio (CREA-RJ), every 10 years, the houses need to review the network. With 15 years of age, the average waste is 20%. She said the biggest problem is to have electric showers connected to the network of the home, instead of having a circuit just for them. "The most important is the issue of security, but investing in the reform of the power grid too low to account," he explains.

Source: The Day

This article was translated by an automatic translation system, and was therefore not reviewed by people.

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