Clipping of news on Brazilian Culture, Law and Citizenship

Consumer News

Sale of pirated medicine grows and comes to the pharmacy

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Elvis Pereira

Anvisa and Federal Police seized 316 tons of illegal drugs in the first half, a record. Board of Pharmacy opens proceedings against ethical professionals. Crimes occur in small businesses

Remedies pirates, found in street vendors, fairs and the Internet arrived on the shelves of small pharmacies, a fact that helped Brazil to break in the first half, a record seizures of fake drugs. From January to June, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) and the Federal Police have collected 316 tons of pirated products, the largest number ever in the country the same period of 2008 was 45.5 t.

Além do aumento ser atribuído ao reforço na fiscalização, com o crescimento de ações na fronteira e contra laboratórios ilegais, a Anvisa eo Conselho Nacional de Combate à Pirataria, ligado ao Ministério da Justiça, confirmam que o comércio de medicamentos piratas ganhou corpo ampliando a abrangência for pharmacies, especially small ones.

According to the executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice and President of the National Council to Combat Piracy, Luiz Paulo Barreto, some drug stores have to offer them in response to strong competition from illegal.

For the head of Intelligence Anvisa, Adilson Bezerra, with this change in retail outlets of pirated products, it became more difficult to remove the trade in these products.

The Regional Council of Pharmacy of the State (CRF-SP), who participated in the Federal Police raids this year, says he has filed lawsuits against ethical pharmaceutical caught selling drugs pirates. "We realize that businesses are small, some even without licensure. The consumer must always seek to buy at reputable establishments, "says Marcelo Polacow, vice president of CRF.

Before reaching the pharmacy, the pirates were - and still are - very found in the hands of vendors or stallholders and also on the Internet, making it difficult to police action. "When we will see, the site is hosted in Miami, Paraguay, Bolivia. And it is to punish those responsible, "said Luiz Paulo Barreto.

Besides representing a public health problem, the illegal trade has become a safety issue. "In ten seizures of weapons and drugs, counterfeit drugs have two," says Adilson Bezerra. "We acquired gangs have started to see this type of crime is a possibility of excessive profit."

Remedies pirates - a definition that includes those produced without the permission of health surveillance, the smuggled and counterfeit - guarantee high profits due to low production cost, transportation and distribution.

To make them, usually just flour, a press and packaging. Ready, they are transported through the same channels which circulate in other articles of illicit origin, such as CDs and DVDs

Upon arrival to the major urban centers like Sao Paulo and Rio, are stored in tanks. Later, they end up in the hands of those who want to sell them.

The drugs brought in from abroad come primarily across the border with Paraguay. "People make the transfer using small boats in the Itaipu Lake (border with Paraná) and unload on the Brazilian side," says Marshal José Moura. "From there, the drugs are taken to another location to mount the boxes and then are shipped to the rest of the country"

The delegate considers the tri-border region of more disturbing. Another point that needs strengthening is in ports and airports.

The hope of the sector to overcome the illegal is the adoption of a traceability system, which is in test phases. The project, the result of a partnership Anvisa with the pharmaceutical industry, is the impression of a special code on the product packaging. The same code will bring the name of the laboratory, for which distributor he sold his product and for which the pharmacy distributor replayed.

"The consumer may at home or in the pharmacy, a player similar to the supermarket, knowing the plant and the points of distribution and sales," said Luiz Paulo Barreto.

The manager of economic affairs of the Association of Pharmaceutical Industry Research (Interfarma), Marcelo Liebhardt, added that the measure will also combat the diversion of cargo. "We are anxiously awaiting the regulations Anvisa."

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 10% of medicines consumed in the world are not unique. By 2010, the pirate market will hit $ 75 billion per year. Collaborated Fabio Mazzitelli

10 to 15 years in prison is the penalty for drug pirate markets in the country, hate crime

10 percent of medicines consumed in the world are not unique, according to the WHO

Source: Jornal da Tarde

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