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Malls not charge parking

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The city of Salvador promises to intensify the supervision of commercial enterprises that exploit economically the parking lots. From this Tuesday, 26, the Office of Land Use Control and Land Use in the city (Sucom) blitzes conducted to verify that the buildings have commercial license for the collection of parking and meet the legal criteria. The attention of the public to the issue is accompanied by the resurrected an old controversy: the collection of parking lots in shopping malls.
The information would be performing malls bidding process to choose the company that will control the parking left the city on alert. "We will resist," announces the superintendent of Sucom, Cláudio Silva. The agency is responsible for issuing permits allowing the economic exploitation of parking. According to Silva, until this second, 25, no request is made by the mall, had been made. To carry out any economic activity in El Salvador is required authorization from the government, which makes the analysis grounded in the Law of the Land Use and Land Use in the City Master Plan and Urban Development (Master Plan). In the case of shopping malls, Silva points out, there is the Municipal Law n º 6994/2006, which provides for the prohibition against charging for parking in shopping malls.

In the case of commercial buildings, as well as the malls, the privatization of vacancies also can only happen by granting the permit Sucom, should meet a series of legal criteria. By municipal law, commercial enterprises should offer a free seat for every 18 square meters of built area. Fulfilled this requirement, only the waves over this minimum required may be charged, and yet, given other constraints.

Vacancies shall be marked and numbered. And at the turnstile for access must include a notice stating how many seats are available at this time. It is mandatory to have valet parking and vehicles must be placed in places and not left in traffic areas. "You have to have valet parking because it is a service and not a lease of space," explains Silva. Finally, the company must inspect the vehicle at the entrance and issue a ticket being responsible for returning it under the same conditions.

All these requirements and the existence of the license will be subject to the review which begins today. If you are not in accordance with the law, warns Silva, will be notified and given 10 days to fit. Persisting irregularities, there may be fines, ban, ban and, ultimately, withdrawal of business licenses.

REQUIREMENT - "We will not issue any permit allowing the collection of parking at malls, except if they met all these conditions and in relation to surplus places. The offer of free parking spaces was a key to get these businesses operating license and can not now be exploited economically, "argues Sharma. "There will only be recovered by imposing legal and even then the municipality will use" he says.

Responsible for shopping malls in the city were contacted to comment on the matter. The Salvador Shopping guarantee that the gratuity will be maintained. The Shopping Parallel, through his press office, reports that do not want to comment on the matter.

Evaluation - The superintendent of the Shopping Barra, José Carlos Poroca, said the matter was even taken to assess the council, deliberative body of the enterprise. It also ensures that there is no bidding process to choose the company. "When possible, we will charge. And who will take care of that a company related to the administration. There will be bidding," says Poroca.
The superintendent of Shopping Piedade, Carlos Medeiros, reveals an interest in charge. But claims that there is no practical measure of the shopping center in this direction. "The recovery is a trend. If we had permission, we are interested," said Medeiros.

The direction of the Shopping Mall assures that there is no bidding process in progress and not as to effect the recovery. However, reiterates position in favor of adoption of this measure.

CONSUMERS - Before the clash that promises, consumers expect not to have to cope with this additional burden. "I'm going to spend. The mall has an obligation to offer comfort, "the lawyer believes Daniela Quadros. She says a behavior that may be the trend of other consumers. "I choose to go to the mall that does not charge parking. If all charge will be upset, "he says. Others who want to adopt the same attitude is the driver José Soares da Cruz, 46. "This is absurd," he complains.

Source: A Tarde Online

This article was translated by an automatic translation system, and was therefore not reviewed by people.

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