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Learn about options for those who want to be a mother, but can not get pregnant - Part I

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First comes the study. Second, have a stable job. In the meantime, find someone worthwhile. Meanwhile, time passes and when you think it's time to have children as your body does not cooperate more. This story is familiar? Yeah, it's something that has happened to an increasing number of people. Therefore, the G1 is on Thursday (6) treatment options for those who want to celebrate Mother's Day in 2010, but can not get pregnant.

Before that, we explain how to tell if you have a problem to have children? What is the time to call the doctor? The specialist in infertility treatments Renato Fraietta explains: "We consider that a couple can have fertility problems if trying to conceive for over a year, with frequent intercourse and well distributed over the woman's menstrual cycle and can not" .

However, couples can ask for guidance before that period. "If they are worried or know of any risk factor, of course they can go to the doctor before," said Fraietta, who works at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). That's what happened with the Rio Camila Prado *, 25. Married for four years, she tried to conceive for six months when he was ask for help from her gynecologist, who asked a series of tests to monitor fertility and her husband.

This is really the first step. And, contrary to what many think, infertility is more common in women than in men. "It is a disease and democratic. Both contribute equally to the cases. In 30% of couples with problems, the cause is in women. In another 30% in man. And in 40% of cases the two have some factor, "said Fraietta. "She has a little problem, he has a little problem and these two little problems together saw a huge problem," he says.

In humans, the most common cause is a varicocele, a condition that gives rise to varicose veins in the testicles and reduced sperm quality. This problem accounts for one third of cases of primary male infertility (one that occurs in men who never had children) and 80% of cases of secondary infertility (to those who already had at least one child). She can be repaired with a relatively simple surgical procedure. Genetic and congenital diseases also affect male fertility.

Among women, there are three basic causes of infertility. "Problems with ovulation account for 30% of cases. Another 30% are tubal disease. And endometriosis is the cause of over 30% of the problems, "said Renato Fraietta. The remaining 10% are genetic or hormonal problems.

But the biggest problem even for women is age. While modern life has forced women to leave for later pregnancy, the body of them still work after her grandparents.

For him, the ideal age to have children is 16 to 23 years. Thereafter begins the decline. At age 30, the chances of getting pregnant naturally are of little more than half of which was at 20. After 40 years, the decline is staggering. At 40, she has less than 5% chance of having a pregnancy naturally and that number plummets year after year.

"Modern life is incompatible with the biological life. Most women who seek treatment for infertility would have no problem if they had tried to become pregnant soon, "says the doctor.

Camila Prado believes that the women are leaving motherhood until later also by misinformation about the chances of becoming pregnant. This makes it difficult to accept when you want to get pregnant and can not. "The life we find that any splashing out of place, any physical contact with the partner may initiate a pregnancy. But if someone had told me that it is usual to take a healthy couple up to a year to get pregnant, I'd be better prepared psychologically to deal with months of failure, "she said.


To identify exactly where the difficulty both men and women have to undergo a medical examination and tests. If one of the two smokes, the first step is to quit smoking. "The smoke has a major role in infertility both male and female, as well as alcohol, illicit drugs and many medications," says the doctor.

The specialist will also raise the medical history of the couple and their families. Some diseases, especially sexually transmitted ones, affect fertility.

Camila is going through these tests this month. "The doctor told my husband did a sperm count (which verifies the count and the speed of sperm) and I did a videohisteroscopia (a kind of shooting inside the womb) and an MRI of the pelvis. If everything is ok, I need to still make a test that checks whether the tubes have some kind of obstruction, "she says.

The Administrator Elane Pereira, 32, also passes through these tests. In his second marriage ten months, she wants to realize the dream of having a son from his first marriage. "In the second year of marriage, decided to take the IUD [intrauterine devices, contraceptive placed inside the uterus] to try a baby, but did not. Finally, we finished, but I thought I treatment. Now, in my second marriage, decided to investigate the cause, "said Elane.

Source: G1

This article was translated by an automatic translation system, and was therefore not reviewed by people.

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