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Consumer News

Checks: care in time to meet and receive avoid losses

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SÃO PAULO - In Brazil, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers, the participation of the check in default fell 5.8 percentage points in the first quarter of this year, against the same period last year (from 23.4% to 17.6%). According to Fecomércio (Federation of Trade of São Paulo) in April, the debts of Paulistanos with pre-dated check represented only 6% of total debts.

The representation of this form of payment in default rates are dropping and their use is growing, according to the consultant in finance, specializing in financial mathematics, Marcos Crivelaro. According to him, this growth is due to possibility of direct negotiation between the consumer and the retailer in addition to the flexibility of time and plot.

However, we need attention in time to meet and receive the sheet. To avoid damage, Crivelaro list a range of care for consumers and merchants.

Consumer: begin care before buying
For the consumer, care begins at the time of receiving the vouchers. Despite the convenience, the expert recommends not receive them by mail. You better go to the bank. When it is not possible, make sure the envelope that arrived at his home is not violated.

Also be aware that data such as name, account number, amount of CPF and checks the ticket are correct.

The expert notes that the beads must be left at home, kept in safe locations. In the book, should be only a few leaves, separate from any personal document. It is also important to not have any check signed in blank.

If you have no account in a bank, but it still has checks, destroy them, not the store.

At the time of filling, attention must be redoubled. Never accept pens of others and do not use pens that can be erased easily, such as basins. In addition, you must complete the worksheet. Do not allow others to do.

Never leave blank spaces between numbers. Fill those spaces with symbols of the value as U.S. $ 1000.00 # #. Value in full, must not be empty spaces. Prefer to write "Hum," instead of "A".

Check if the data from the left with your bank to verify that the compensation was so correctly.

It is worth remembering that if no background check is returned twice by the bank, its name can be part of the CCF (Registry of Companies of checks) of the Central Bank.

Merchant: requiring the identification document of the customer
At the time of receiving a check, retailers should also be alert. The signature must be provided with an identification document of the customer, with a photograph and the card with the bank.

Phone number and address must appear on the back of the sheet with a statement of its purpose and the endorsement of the consumer.

Checks erasures, with spots or blots, or even with the amount already completed should not be accepted, and checks to third parties.

The expert notes that there should be no erasures on the check number and bank account and the data printed in bar code located at the bottom of each check should check with the data printed on the first line of the upper check.

Beware of cloned checks: check if the numbers of RG and CPF appear on the sheet that are not erased or erasures

Source: InfoMoney

This article was translated by an automatic translation system, and was therefore not reviewed by people.

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