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Endocrinologist warns of dangers and diabetes care


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The month of November in the health calendar alerts men to the health of men, but other diseases are also highlighted during this month, as is the case on November 14, which highlights the World Diabetes Day, with the purpose To warn about disease and its care and dangers. Hapvida's endocrinologist Aline Garcia explains in detail the details of this disease and how to live with it.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease characterized by elevated blood sugar levels (sugar) due to lack of production or difficulty in the action of insulin, a hormone that controls blood glucose levels.

What are the main causes for the disease?

Family history of Diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, overweight-obesity, children of mothers who had Diabetes during pregnancy, among others.

How to diagnose diabetes?

Fasting blood glucose levels above 126 mg / dL and / or glucose tolerance test with levels above 200 mg / dL after 2 hours.

What are the types of diabetes? What are the main differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes can be classified into 4 categories:

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes

Diabetes secondary to diseases or medications

Gestational diabetes

The main difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes is that in type 1 diabetes, insulin production is drastically reduced, and blood glucose levels have generally been quite high since the beginning of the diagnosis. In type 2 diabetes the reduction of insulin occurs gradually, as well as the elevation of glycemia levels.

What are the main symptoms?

Excessive thirst and urination, weight loss, blurred vision, fatigue, and genital infections in women are often the most common symptoms.

Patients with diabetes have dietary restrictions?

Intake of foods containing simple sugars and foods with high glycemic index (fast turn into blood sugar) should be avoided, as well as saturated and trans fats.

What are the complications of diabetes?

The most common are: changes in the retina, cardiovascular diseases, renal diseases, chronic venous insufficiencies with ulcers of repetition in the lower limbs.

When should the patient apply?

In type 2 diabetes the application occurs whenever blood glucose levels do not reach control goals (HbA1c <6.5%) with oral antidiabetics, and type 1 diabetes since the beginning of the diagnosis.

How often should a healthy person perform blood glucose to identify diabetes early?

Depending on the risk factors, every six months or at least every year.

Why does losing weight help treat diabetes?

Weight control improves a condition called "insulin sensitivity," which in turn contributes to lower blood glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol among others.

Are some fats better than others? How can the diabetic cut the fat from the diet?

Saturated fat (present in meats, milk, cheeses, butters, coconut oil and palm oil) or trans fat, (present in stuffed biscuits, ice creams, margarines) are harmful to health when consumed in excess. In a balanced diet, at most 10% of the calories to be consumed must come from saturated fats, and in patients with high cholesterol and decompensated diabetics this level drops to 7%.


Source: 24 Hour Mail

To access the Correio 24 Horas website, click here.

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