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Beware of fatty foods! Do good to your cholesterol


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In this National Day Against Cholesterol (August 8), Dr. Eloina Oliveira Nunes gives us power tips that help avoid this problem.

iSaúde Bahia - What is cholesterol? All types of cholesterol are dangerous?

Dra. Eloina Nunes de Oliveira - Cholesterol can be considered a type of lipid (fat) produced in our body. Cholesterol is present in foods of animal origin (meat, whole milk, eggs etc.). In our body, cholesterol is essential for some functions of the organism, as it helps in tissue regeneration and bone and the production of sex hormones and vitamin D. The proof is that 70% of all the cholesterol present in the body of a person is produced by your own body.

We can say that there are several types of cholesterol (fat) circulating in the blood. The sum total of all of them is called "total cholesterol". The association between proteins and cholesterol leads to so-called lipoproteins. These, yes, they are able to circulate throughout the body via the bloodstream. To circulate through the bloodstream, cholesterol to bind to a lipoprotein, a molecule that contains fat and protein. There are two types of these carrier molecules: low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high density (HDL) - and they determine if the cholesterol is more or less harmful to health.

The two kinds of cholesterol:

LDL cholesterol: known as "bad", it can be deposited in the arteries and cause the clogging, especially in the arteries of the heart, brain, carotid and lower limbs.

HDL cholesterol: known as "good", remove excess cholesterol from arteries, preventing the deposit and reducing the formation of fatty plaque (atheroma).

ISB - What health problems are related to cholesterol?

Dr. Eloina Nunes de Oliveira. - High cholesterol has no symptoms, so those who have fatty plaques in the arteries (atherosclerosis) and obesity, has a history of death in the family for heart attack and stroke, it is sedentary and feeds with exaggerated intake saturated fat is more likely to have high cholesterol.

Atherosclerosis not produce any symptoms initially occur until the obstruction of one or more arteries in the heart, brain, carotid and lower limbs.

They are health problems and high-risk conditions:

• atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (myocardial infarction), cerebrovascular (stroke) or peripheral occlusive (in the lower limbs), with clinical symptoms.

• Ateroclerose in the subclinical form significant, documented by diagnostic tests.

• myocardial revascularization procedures (bypass surgery).

• diabetes mellitus.

• Chronic kidney disease.

• Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH).

ISB - How to prevent the cholesterol related problems?

Dra. Eloina Nunes de Oliveira - who are predisposed to high cholesterol should follow the recommendations described for the treatment: maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, doing physical exercise, avoid smoking, diet with low fat, blood pressure control.

habits suggestions:

• Make exercise: physical activity can help you lose weight and reduce tensions. Controlling weight, doing exercise or playing sports, you feel better and reduces the risk of heart attacks and cholesterol levels in the blood.

• Do not smoke: smoking is a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Allied cholesterol, multiplies the risks.

• Avoid stress: a less stressed life also reduces the risk of heart attack and lowering cholesterol. Look turn your daily activities into something that will give you satisfaction.

• Make a diet with low levels of fat and cholesterol: be rigorous in controlling power.

All animal foods have cholesterol. Therefore, prefer to plant foods: fruits, vegetables and grains. healthy guidelines:

• Use derived from poor fat milk: skim milk, nonfat yogurt or light ice creams;

• Avoid fried foods;

• Eat more fruits and vegetables

• Eat more fish grilled or roasted and less fried meats;

• Eat a variety of foods rich in fiber such as oatmeal, whole grain breads and apples. Fiber helps reduce cholesterol levels;

• Make a diet with low levels of fat and cholesterol: be rigorous in controlling power.

ISB - Which foods contribute most to the advancement of cholesterol problems? There are foods that contribute to the control of this problem?

Dra. Eloina Nunes de Oliveira - The care with food must be redoubled by elderly people with several risk factors. Diabetics also because they present risks of manifestations of atherosclerosis three to four times higher than non-diabetic people. There are foods which help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as there are to be avoided. Let's look at these two lists below:

In addition to a balanced diet, there are other ways to avoid the increased cholesterol and even decrease it:

Foods high in cholesterol:

• Bacon, whipped cream, butter cookies, poultry skin, yellow cheese, egg yolk, creamy ice cream, sour cream, entrails, fried food in general, fatty red meats, such as pork tenderloin, sirloin, termite and built.

Foods that help lower cholesterol:

• Vegetables, celery, Brussels Sprout, fibers, orange bagasse, black plum, cauliflower, papaya, mulberry, apricot, yucca, olive oil, beans, peas, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, oat bran, pear , carrots, wheat bran, peach, whole grains, beans, okra, figs, leafy vegetables.

• Fish: They are excellent source of omega 3 fatty acid, a type of good fat, the unsaturated type, found in cold water fish such as salmon, tuna and trout. The unsaturated fat helps in reducing the levels of triglycerides and total blood cholesterol; reduces the risk of clot formation, besides making the blood more fluid, and is therefore an important ally in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Opt for foods that help lower cholesterol and think twice before missing the gym, your body will thank you. Healthy eating is the key to ward off the risk of heart attack and stroke. Physical activity, eat foods rich in fiber and stop smoking also helps control cholesterol, lowering LDL levels and increasing HDL


Source: iBahia

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