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As food interferes with eye health?


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In an interview with iSaúde Bahia, medical ophthalmologist, Camila Koch and the nutritionist Luciana Rocha talk about the importance of consuming vitamins and how certain nutrients aid in eye health.


Did you know that vitamin D is essential for eye health, avoiding Related Macular Degeneration Age (AMD)? In addition to it, vitamin E is also important in the prevention of AMD as to delay cataracts and protect against the evil of Parkinson and Alzheimer's. According to the ophthalmologist, Dr. Camila Koch, "lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids found in the retina and that the intake of foods rich in these antioxidants can help maintain good vision. We can get them by eating foods such as egg yolk, dark green vegetables and yellow-orange vegetables. " In fact, a careful and balanced diet is essential for good eye health. As stated Luciana Rocha, a balanced diet, "it is a balanced diet of nutrients both in quality and quantity to meet the needs of each individual, without fail or excesses." Check out the full interview.

iSaúde Bahia - It is true that low levels of vitamin D and can affect eye health? Which diseases are related to this deficiency?

"Vitamin D is essential to maintain adequate calcium levels in the body and hipovitamisose is mostly found in people not exposed to the sun or problems in the diet. Its deficiency is related to-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD). "

Dr. Camila Koch -. Our eyes suffer a lot with hypovitaminosis, not only the D and E, but also B, C, A, B complex Vitamin D is essential to maintain adequate levels of calcium in the body and is found hipovitamisose especially in people who are not exposed to the sun or problems in the diet. Its deficiency is related to-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD). Studies show that daily consumption of 18 micrograms of vitamin D decreases by 60% the risk of developing the disease and today is the supplementation of the vitamin treatment. AMD is now the leading cause of blindness in the elderly in the developed countries. Vitamin E is crucial against oxidative damage in our cells. It is also used in the treatment of AMD, and is important to delay cataracts and protect against the evil of Parkinson and Alzheimer's. We can find vitamin E in nuts, milk, wheat, green vegetables, vegetable oils and egg yolk. 

ISB - How food can affect, either positively or negatively, in eye health?

Dr. Camila Koch. - A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is essential for the well-being of our body, including our eyes. We should avoid diets high in saturated fats, red meats and known harmful health sugars. As an example, I can cite Lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids found in the retina and that the intake of foods rich in these antioxidants can help maintain good vision. We can get them by eating foods such as egg yolk, dark green vegetables and yellow-orange vegetables. Another very common eye disease is cataract, a lens opacity of our eye can delay its onset with a diet rich in glutamine, vitamins D, C and E, uric acid, beta-carotene and flavonoids. On the other hand, the high glucose accelerates the onset of cataract. 

ISB - It is true that the absorption of omega-3 contributes to good eye health? 

Dr. Camila Koch. - Yes. It protects against dry eye syndrome and age-related macular degeneration, as well as many other benefits already proven health. Dry eye due to lacrimal dysfunction can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as red eyes, blurred vision, tearing, leading to decreased quality of life. The diet or supplementation of omega 3 is even part of the treatment of this disease. Because our body does not produce omega 3, we have to eat foods rich in fatty acids, found in deep-water fish, nuts, hazelnuts, flaxseed oil, green vegetables such as broccoli, arugula, kale and spinach, or capsules intake manipulated. In the case of AMD was shown to him, and to prevent the onset of disease, prevents the progression slowing down the changes, and today recommended treatment. 

ISB - Why diabetes uncontrolled can lead to blindness?

Dra. Camila Koch - Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that affects the entire late microcirculation of our body and the eye unit, which primarily affects the retina. Around 70% of diagnosed patients over 20 years have suffering of retinal vessels. The disease is characterized by microscopic changes in vessel walls and can lead to complications in the fundus as bleeding in the retinal layers and edema, as well as other findings that can lead to loss of full or partial vision. Among the risk factors for progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR) and associated with the worst prognosis is poor glycemic control. Treatment depends on the severity of DR, but regardless of the stage of disease, multidisciplinary assistance with nutritionist and endocrinologist to control blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides is essential. 

ISB - What can we understand by "balanced diet"?

Luciana Rocha - balanced nutrition is one in which include all food groups (cereals and the various sources of carbohydrates, legumes, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat, poultry and fish, oils and sugars) in adequate amounts by the body. It is a balanced diet of nutrients, both in quality and quantity to meet the needs of each individual, no lack or excess.

ISB - How food can help in a good eye health?

Rock Luciana - There are many foods and nutrients contained therein help prevent the onset of ocular diseases and even to alleviate the symptoms and progression of the disease. Thus, a balanced diet, rich in healthy foods can help preserve eye health. 

ISB - What is the role of vitamins D and E in maintaining good eye health?

Luciana Rocha - Some studies show that vitamin D is responsible for good blood circulation leading an optimal supply of oxygen to the retina, ie, keeps healthy, functioning cells. Recalling that vitamin D absorption depends on the sun exposure, it is important to consult a doctor and check if there is need for supplementation.

Vitamin E, in turn, plays an important antioxidant role, as it protects the cell membrane against free radicals, metabolic by-products that may cause harm to the body. Thus, an adequate intake of food sources of vitamin E seems to help in preventing cataracts and also the degeneration of the macula cells. 

ISB - Why the consumption of food sources of omega 3 are encouraged to maintain eye health?

Luciana Rocha - The Omega 3 has great potential anti-inflammatory that protects the retina and can help delay the onset of diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), because it preserves the small blood vessels that irrigate the eyes. It improves the lubrication of the eyes, attenuating or preventing "dry eye syndrome" which is very common. The omega-3 is present in the retina of the eyes and therefore it is important to its consumption to be renewed.

ISB - Excess fat consumption can contribute to problems in eye health?

Luciana Rocha - Yes you can. It is known that consumption of excess fats can lead to several diseases such as obesity, hypertension, and help accelerate the onset of diseases such as AMD, cataract and "dry eye syndrome".

ISB - Why consume too much sugar harms the patient with diabetes - which can lead to vision loss?

Luciana Rocha - Patients with diabetes need to make a control of blood sugar levels, in addition also to control the intake of foods rich in carbohydrates (which are sugars), especially when it comes to the rich in refined sugar (cakes, white bread, refined cereals, cookies, candy).

When the diabetic subject consumes high amounts of carbohydrates, there may be imbalance of blood glucose levels leading to hyperglycemia (high blood glucose). If hyperglycemia occurs frequently, it can lead to diabetic retinopathy, when a number of complications, such as weakness of ocular blood vessels, bleeding, edema, among others, which can lead to partial or complete loss of vision if untreated. 

ISB - What food would you give tips for maintaining good eye health?

Luciana Rocha - The main tip is to keep an adequate supply in the quantity and quality of food consumed from the youngest age, for thus it is possible to prevent early development of eye diseases.

It is important to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Consume more food sources of vitamin A or carotenoids, such as green leafy vegetables and yellow food color or orange, like carrot and papaya. These substances are important for night vision and protects the immune system. also increase the consumption of food sources of omega-3, such as deep-water fish (sardines, salmon), flaxseed oil and olive oil.

Consume food sources of antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E, present in wheat germ, whole grains, vegetable oils and vegetable dark green leaves and vitamin C present in orange, lemon, cherry, among others. Also food sources of vitamin D, such as dairy products, fish and liver.

The egg consumption, corn and spinach is also indicated by a source of lutein and zeaxanthin, substances that assist in the prevention of development of macular degeneration. But it is important that the egg is eaten preferably cooked and that blood cholesterol levels are monitored.

Use garlic and onion, preferably raw, it is also very suitable because these foods contain substances that dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure and prevent against glaucoma.

In general, these are the main foods to maintain good eye health or slow the progression of disease, always remembering that all food must be consumed in adequate amounts to each individual. And so the nutritionist's role is essential to providing an indication of a balanced and healthy diet.


Source: iSaúde Bahia

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