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5 tips on how to talk about money with a child


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To make one the world's future, it is necessary to educate you in the best possible way

From an early age it is important to recognize the correct amount of money. For child financial education elapses naturally and efficiently, parents can use various resources. Even in preschool when the child is learning the relationship between their world and the numerals, it is possible to teach her the basics about money.

Check out five tips that can help you teach your child to handle money.

1. Wait educational opportunities arise

Children are curious by nature, so do not think that will be necessary to draw "lessons" for their children. The opportunities appear, just recognize them and know each enjoy the best way.

2. Financial education: teach the value of each thing

Cars cost more money than popsicles, for example. Teach this to the child, put it together with the existence of a range of values. This is interesting for it to create awareness of what you can buy with a certain amount of money.

3. Reward the child financially for the tasks performed

Ask for help from your child's time to clean house, delegate to him small tasks, give him responsibilities according to their age and combine single and values as a reward for it.

Remember to always use the term reward, that is, thanks. Nothing to talk about payment. With this strategy, you teach the little things to do with good will and determination is always rewarding.

4. Teach your child to manage all money you earn

It sounds complicated, but it is not. Take him to reflect before you spend, remind him of how long they had to wait to win that amount and encourage them to save to buy what you want. In addition to making it better able to manage the buck itself, you help form a conscious consumer.

5. Explain that each penny worth

Make money something tangible to the child. This exercise serves to let her to think of money as something out of their reality and help to make accounts.

A good exercise is to teach it to count coins. Sit in front of it with a stack of coins of varying values before leaving home for ice cream, for example. Encourage grab the coins and the total value of the ice cream. Take a card-carrying bag or to carry cash and the ice cream shop, let herself pay. Make compliments, show your support and encouragement throughout the process.

Remember, you are the hero of your son Your choices in financial life and the way it deals with its resources are closely monitored by it. Use it in favor of children's financial education, because there is no better method than that provided by good examples.


* Via GuiaBolso.

Source: Consumidor Moderno

To access the Consumidor Moderno site, click here.

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