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Black youth are at greater risk of dying than white


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Data show that die more blacks than whites in Brazil. According to the Youth Vulnerability Index Violence and Inequality, young blacks are 2.6 more likely to die than white. The survey data were updated in 2014 to include racial inequality, and the result was that the risk of adolescents and young people 12 years to 29 years suffering violence increases when this factor is taken into account. The average refers to 2012, the last year for which consolidated data, and show small increase from five years ago. In 2007, the national risk was 2.3.

Commissioned by the federal government to the Brazilian Forum on Public Safety, the research also makes a cut by Brazilian states and puts the Paraíba in the top rankings. There, a chance to the young black die violently murdered or in traffic accidents is 13.4 times higher than that of young white. In Paraná, a state with lower risk, the ratio is the reverse: the rate of white youth homicide is a little higher than that of blacks: 0.7. Values closer to 1 indicate greater proximity between the two segments.

Secretary of Youth, Sport and Leisure in the state, Carlos Riberio Santos recalled that local public authorities are aware of the problem and the data is not a "novelty". He informed the Agency that Brazil since 2011 some actions are being carried out under the sport, culture, education and health, in an attempt to "create a favorable scenario to decrease this mortality," but that "it is too early" to display results.

One initiative aims to enter the black youth in the labor market. According to the secretary of Paraiba, six state technical schools will be opened in 2015, offering about 15 thousand jobs. Subsequently, nine more schools will be delivered. "The state never made this foray into vocational technical education [before]. No qualification for the job, the young will hardly be integrated, "he said. He added that the "marginalization of context" is not only state and that the issue needs to be debated nationally.

Applicant's research, the National Youth Secretariat has the Youth Plan Viva main coping program the indices. The purpose is to prevent violence against black youth in 142 municipalities prioritized. These cities concentrated, in 2010, 70% of black youth homicides. To Fernanda Pope, plan coordinator, the data help to analyze why the young black is more exposed and show the need for more public policies for this group.

"The index helps to show that the young black male is the one most exposed to the risk of losing his life. If your most fundamental human right, which is life, can be violated, he probably already had other violated, such as education and the right to come and go, "says Fernanda. "These fundamental rights must be considered for the young black urgently". According to the coordinator, this is not a will of young black. It is "a liability of centuries", when, for example, blacks were prevented from attending universities.

Renato Sérgio de Lima, who led the study, stressed the importance of a systematic monitoring of these indices and the implementation of policies aimed at preventing deaths. For him, this integrated data management will allow "map precisely the areas that require specific investment" intelligently. "It's not just spending money, is sew great pact for integration of these monitoring systems. What Brazil applies is not enough, but is far from little. Needs to improve the quality of investment, "he argued.

With the resources, policies should focus on reducing racial inequality and black youth homicides. "It's not a question of racism, but of civilization," said the researcher from Getulio Vargas Foundation. To show "clearly that racial inequality negatively affects youth vulnerability," said Renato, the study provides a table that simulates the complete elimination of racial inequality and shows that the risk is drastically reduced in all states.

Of the 142 priority municipalities of the Plan Youth Alive, 100 joined the plan and 47 have already had launched the actions involving social inclusion, provision of equipment and processing areas where there are high rates of homicide. Avoid situations of violence in the areas that are the state's reach is also part of the plan's mission, according to the coordinator Fernanda Pope. It recognizes the existence of some cases where the security officers commit abuses that end up taking innocent lives and says that one way to curb the degree of police lethality is the "inclusion of the topic of racism in the formation of public safety professionals" .

Renato Sergio Lima said the data deconstruct the notion that we are a peaceful country in this regard and show that we can no longer hide the problem under the risk of being boycotting our future. "There is a huge historical liabilities. The Brazil, as a nation, was built on the idea of a peaceful country and coexistence of differences. If we want a democratic, modern and protagonist, will have to face this problem. "According to him, the population is dying is the one that will be missed for the country is economically robust shortly.

The study, although preliminary, to be released next week by the General Secretariat of the Presidency. According to Fernanda Pope, the next step will be to present the content to the states and make it available to researchers and the public security institutions. It said it expects continued research in search of a permanent diagnostic monitoring of risk.

Source: Agency Brazil

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