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Overconsumption of meat and cheese is as bad as smoking


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Diet rich in animal protein in middle age increases risk of cancer Photo: Disclosure

RIO - One seemingly harmless steak can be as deadly as a cigarette . A large new study that followed adults for over two decades has shown that a diet rich in animal protein in middle age quadruples the risk of cancer death - is comparable to smoking risk. Before this study , researchers had never shown such a definite correlation between high protein intake and increased risk of mortality.

In addition to being more susceptible to cancer , the middle-aged people who eat too much animal protein - including meat, milk and cheese - are also twice as susceptible to premature death in general , the study published in " Cell Metabolism " . They were also more likely to have diabetes.

- The vast majority of Americans could reduce their consumption of protein - said one of the co-authors of the study , Valter Longo, professor of gerontology at the University of Southern California and director of the Institute of Longevity. - The best change to do would be to reduce your daily intake of protein , particularly those derived from animals .
Optimal amount should be low

Even women who eat a moderate amount of protein has a three times higher risk of dying from cancer than those who eat little protein , the study reveals. In general, small reductions in daily amount of ingested protein may reduce the risk of early death by 21% .

But the ideal to be consumed remains a controversial topic quantity - especially with the popularity of diets based on excessive intake of proteins , such as Atkins , Dunkan and Paleolithic . Although in the short term , these diets work , according to Long , they may be leading to a deterioration of health in the medium and long term .

In a study published today , scientists define a " high protein " diet as one in which at least 20% of calories derived from protein . The poor power protein would be less than 10%. Ideally , says the scientist , would follow the recommendations of major health agencies in the world and consume about 0.8 grams of protein per pound of your total weight per day - something like 55 grams for a person of about 70 pounds . Ie , a very small steak.

The problem , says Long, is that a growing number of people in developed and developing nations eat two or three times more than that , and much comes from animal protein and not plant such as seeds, beans and nuts . The study revealed that protein from vegetable sources have the same effect on mortality than animal proteins . The risk of cancer and premature death does not seem to be altered by diets low in carbohydrates or fats, indicating that animal protein is even greater culprit.

- Almost everyone will have a cancer cell or a precancerous cell at some point in life . The question is : will it progress? One of the biggest factors for this progress is precisely the consumption of protein.

But recommendations do not apply to all stages of life , says Long . Part of the confusion is because scientists tend to treat adult life as a single period , instead of examining more closely the changes that occur in our bodies as we age . Studying data on protein intake over many years , at least one thing is very clear to the scientist : what is good for one age group can be bad for another .

This is because proteins control the growth hormone IGF1 . The hormone that helps the body's growth , as the name implies , is also related to susceptibility to different types of cancer . IGF1 levels drop dramatically after 65 years, leading to weakness and muscle loss. The study reveals that while the high protein intake is harmful in midlife , it has a protective effect in older .
- The study shows that a low protein diet in middle age is effective in preventing cancer and mortality in general , through a process that involves the regulation of the levels of IGF-1 , and possibly insulin - said co-author of the study Eileen Crimmins , also from the University of Southern California. - However, it also indicated that , at older ages is so important to avoid a diet to maintain a healthy weight and prevent fragility .

Italian centenarians are example
For long , people should be reflected in the example of the inhabitants of a small island in southern Italy , called Molochilo , which records the highest percentage of people over a hundred years the world . The secret of their longevity : a good part of their lives , they maintain a diet low in protein and plant based . At older ages , however , many returned to live with their children and joined the feeding habits more " modern " and began to eat more protein.

On purpose or by accident , they seem to have achieved the ideal recipe for a long life .
- There's no harm in eating the way that your grandparents used to eat - recommends the scientist .

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Source : The Globe - Online

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