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Learn what the risks of the lack of Vitamin D


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Currently there is a worldwide epidemic of vitamin D ( calciferol ) . Researchers around the world are studying the benefits of vitamin health . Brazilian studies show that even in tropical countries such as Brazil , hypovitaminosis D is prevalent . A study by researchers Silva , BCC , Camargos , BM et al , published in 2008 in the journal Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab , evaluated 180 patients treated in outpatient endocrinology in Belo Horizonte and patients had levels of 25 ( OH ) VD measured . The authors found the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in the studied population = 42.4 %, which served a warning about the importance of prevention policies . As the synthesis of vitamin D is dependent on sunlight , colder countries and period shorter summer have a higher prevalence of disability compared to tropical countries .

What are the main functions of vitamin D ?

- Participation in calcium metabolism . The active form of vitamin D , 1,25 (OH ) ₂ D stimulates gene transcription of the receptor binding of the mineral calcium, contributing to bone health by increasing bone density .

- Stimulates the immune system, involved in the differentiation of precursor monocytes and lymphocytes.

- Action anticancer modulation ( cell proliferation)

- It has influence on insulin secretion , improves beta-cell function (beta ) and glucose tolerance , favoring glycemic control in patients with diabetes.

- Exerts influence on muscle function ( increased strength and reduced pain ) .

- Acts in the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones .

What are the risk factors for vitamin D deficiency ?

- Low exposure to sunlight ( UVB ) , confinement in places where there is no exposure to UVB light

- Disability feed

- Aging (the elderly have lower efficiency in the cutaneous synthesis )

- Diseases that affect the metabolism of vitamin D ( cystic fibrosis , diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, malabsorption syndrome , hematological , renal , cardiac insufficiency, immobilization)

- Countries with little sunlight ( high latitude )

- Low penetration of UVB light during the winter in the atmosphere

- Use of sunscreens

And the consequences of this deficiency to the body ?

Children : Rickets is a common disease in childhood and is characterized by an insufficient deposition of calcium phosphate bone matrix , leaving weak bones

Adults: The vitamin D deficiency may result in osteomalacia , osteoporosis and contribute to the development of some cancers (breast , colon , prostate, pancreas) , depression, infections, respiratory

What are the food sources of vitamin D ?

Butter fat cheeses , cream, egg yolk , liver, fish liver oil . Remember that vitamin D is not present in sufficient amounts in many foods . Depending on the season , the concentrations of vitamin D in these foods above can be changed , and lower in winter.

Fortification of foods with vitamin D may be a solution for populations at risk for disabilities , such as children and the elderly . It is important to care for the food intake does not exceed the limits of vitamin D.

What is required dosage of vitamin D ?

The dosage of vitamin undergo change according to age , physiological state ( pregnant and lactating ) and nutritional status . Thus , it becomes necessary to evaluate biochemical linked to lifestyle to determine the need for supplementation and correct dosage .

What is the best nutritional supplementation ?

It is suggested that supplementation is needed to prevent deficiency of vitamin D. However , the amount , form of supplement should be provided after consultation with your doctor and / or nutritionist , aiming to maintain adequate blood levels .

And the treatment of hypovitaminosis D ?

This is accomplished by oral replacement of vitamin D, which makes it easy and inexpensive. However , the amount , form of supplement should be provided after consultation with your doctor or nutritionist and aiming to maintain adequate blood levels . In Brazil , sun exposure occurs almost throughout the year , however, with the increasing incidence of skin cancer , dermatologists have recommended the use of sunscreens with very high protection factors , which may limit the bioavailability of vitamin D . For this reason , it is recommended to evaluate a dermatologist as solar exposure guidelines ( best times , use of sunscreen )

Excessive consumption can be toxic ?

Vitamin D can be toxic . Excessive intake result in hypercalcemia , leading to calcium mineral deposits in the kidneys , arteries, heart and lungs. Therefore supplementation should be cautious and follow .

References : Supplementation Functional Magistral ( nutrients to Bioactive Compounds ) . VP Publishing , 2009. Bioavailability of Nutrients . COZZOLINO , S. Ed Manole , 2012. SILVA , B.C.C , CAMARGOS , B.M. and employees. Magazine Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab 2008; 52/3 : 482-488 . Premaor , M.Ö. , FURTANETTO , T. W. Vitamin D deficiency in adults : Understanding the Best Presentation An Old Disease .
Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab 2006; 50/1 :25-37 .

Source : See Online

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