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Lifetime greater demands new policies for old age


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In Japan , who has more than 40 years pay ' tax caregiver ' who pays for government spending on elderly

In Brazil , care centers are an alternative to nursing homes and maintain family ties

The retired bank Noel Sales , 74 , spends his mornings playing cards with friends in Copacabana Photo : Simone Navy / O Globo

RIO AND SAO PAULO - Data from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ( ECLAC ) United Nations indicate that , in 40 years , the elderly population will increase by 45 million people , 15 million of whom have more than 80 years. Currently , 2.8 million Brazilians passed the house 80 . How to meet this growing population is the subject of the last article in the series " The Balance of the Hours " . In Japan, where life expectancy is 83.6 years ( in Brazil is 73.7 years) , the solution was the creation of a tax . From the age of 40 , every citizen pays tax " caregiver " .

With this collection , the government finances the costs for the care of the elderly in the future. According to research director emeritus of the National Center for Scientific Research in France , sociologist Helena Hirata , from the age of 40 , is deducted monthly from the salary of the resident , whether Japanese or foreign , about 40 euros , which varies depending with wages :

- From age 65 , the elderly have the possibility that the government pays 90% of all your health expenses , accommodation in long-stay institutions , nurses , doctors , ambulance , caregiver . It is a kind of insurance policy administered by the state . When a person needs help , just look for municipal posts and your situation will be evaluated

- Says Helen , who has studied the issue in Japan, France and Brazil .

In France , there is a program called Custom Allocation of Autonomy . But according to Helena , is a more timid than in Japan Anyone aged 60 or more may receive the benefit , the value of which varies according to the degree of dependency and income .

In São Paulo , there are centers. The problem is that to attend them , it is necessary that the elderly go alone .

- Alone , the senior forgets to take medicine , do not eat right . And there is always the risk of falls at home - says Yolanda Nunes da Silva , manager of social protection Prefecture Vineyard , 75km from the city of São Paulo capital.

With the highest life expectancy of the Campinas Metropolitan Region , 77.6 years Vineyard offers almost two years ago I want the service life , a kind of daycare where are guaranteed care to seniors whose families can not afford to pay a caregiver . The home caters for 14 people - three men and 11 women - in semidependência situation .
Leisure occupies 26% of the days

Every day , a van will pick them up at home. Activities include garden , crafts , painting , games and dancing . Receive adequate food and following the accompanying individual needs .

- Back home, along with family , makes it not weaken family ties - says the municipal secretary of Social Welfare , Claudineia Seraphim .
Study by occupational therapy students at the Federal University of Minas Gerais showed that leisure occupies 26 % of the time the elderly . But this time the occupation is very passive .

- They spend time watching TV , resting , watching the grandchildren . The ideal would be to have some exercise , such as dancing , walking. - Says Louis Bevilaqua , who did the work with Tainã Fagundes .

The retired bank Noel Sales , 74 , can be found daily in the marketplace Serzerdelo Correa , in Copacabana , in Rio's South Zone , alongside friends of card games . Former professional player , you can no longer walks or playing naked in Copacabana with friends. The sequelae of cancer prevented him from continuing the sport . But he prefers to spend more time on the street :

- Here ( in the square ) do not see the time pass .

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Source : The Globe - Online

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