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Consumer News

Ombudsman is for show or is it for real?


This article was translated by an automatic translation system, and was therefore not reviewed by people.



Compulsory service in banks, insurance companies, and now health plans leads to debate on model

Call centers, primarily customer service, are reinforced by ombudsmen
Photo: Felipe Hanower/29-01-2010

RIO - Until October carriers health plans must implement ombudsman to serve consumers. The National Health Agency (ANS) by means of Normative Resolution No. 323, published on April 4, the obligation imposed with the expectation of reducing conflicts and the legalization of the industry, with improved quality of care. In 2012, the sector was in 16th place among the 20 most demanded in Procons across the country, according to the ranking of the National System of Consumer Protection (Sindec) of the Ministry of Justice. The ombudsmen are already required in financial institutions by the Central Bank (BC) and the insurers by the Superintendency of Private Insurance (Susep).

The fact that the ombudsman be required, however, is not a benefit in itself, experts say. So there is a real gain for the consumer it is necessary that companies are committed to the essence of the operation of the service, alert Karina Alfano, relationship manager of the Brazilian Consumer Defense (IDEC). According to the expert, it can be summarized in two main areas: autonomy and unrestricted access to the company's senior management, so that the ombudsman has a prominent position in organizations, allowing to intervene directly in the process.

- It is important to note that if there is concern about the consumer, in practice it will not work. We have seen, for example, that the time limits for responding to consumer demands have been different for anyone who comes into contact with companies through social networks, and for those using the traditional channels of customer service like phone, email and letter. This is illegal, there can be no discrimination - affirms the relationship manager Idec.

Insurers have served as examples
The Ombudsman Procon-SP, Hilma Araújo, considers that regulatory agencies are "on track" by requiring the installation ombudsman. However, remember that one of the biggest challenges for companies is to make consumers understand the functioning of the sector:

- The ombudsman should seek dialogue with the consumer protection services, seeking to understand the problem at the root. Keep an ombudsman creates an experience of citizenship, and suppliers also improve. But consumers in general do not have this awareness of what makes the ombudsman and acts as the SAC. Sometimes uses the industry for failing a first contact and does not accept, for example, when they are asked the initial protocol of care. But consumer education is also part of the company's role, as the Code of Consumer Protection. So it is important that companies disclose the performance of its ombudsman, clarify how the service channels that keeps - Hilma highlights.

To establish the new standard, ANS took as an example the resolution of the Superintendency of Private Insurance (Susep) since 2005 encourages insurers to settle ombudsmen and last year determined the mandatory service. The regulator evaluates every six months minimum levels of efficiency and quality of the insurance ombudsman.

- Over 95% of companies already maintain insurance ombudsman for at least eight years. And the results are very positive. Last year, only 3% of a total of 46,000 requests handled by the processes became Susep, the industry regulator - said Maria Elena Bidino, superintendent of Market Relations of the National Confederation of Insurance (CNSeg). According to the National Federation of Health Insurance (Fenasaúde), the ombudsmen who already work in the sector represent more than the communication channel, but an instance in search of improving processes, approaching businesses and consumers. Enthusiast of the new service, the executive director of the entity, José Cechin, says the ombudsman model of insurance is "so successful that it inspired create a ANS regulation to make them mandatory in the health insurance."
To ensure that the ombudsman does not become just another instance of health care operators will be required annual reports, statistical and analytical, with problems reported by consumers and the solutions proposed by the companies, explains the Ombudsman ANS, Stael Riani:

- These data are also compared to indicators of complaints we have on ANS. How this indicator is monthly, you need not wait a year to know if the performance of ombudsman has been effective or not. The monitoring will be ongoing, as well as guidelines.

Until July will be held training courses for new listeners. In evaluating Stael, the main mission of the ombudsman will minimize conflict and reduce the legalization sector:

- There are process issues such as delivery docket ID and that the NSA still arrive and need to be resolved. They will need to show that they came from, the goal is to change processes - says the ombudsman responsible for ANS, which this year is celebrating a decade of operation. - The question is always seeking transformation.

Banks seek better communication

In the coming months, the six biggest banks will take an important step toward better communication on the subject. According to the director of the sector of the Ombudsman Commission of the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), La Salette Doniani, the attendance numbers of the ombudsman, the SACs and transactional services (which advises on banking transactions) will be together in any promotional material in sites and checkbooks and bank cards. The position of these numbers will be standardized and followed by six institutions.

- The consumer will only know what we tell him. Often he prefers to go to than Procon seek the ombudsman through ignorance. We have the challenge of communicating. We have to make these channels more clear and explain the function of each. We are doing this survey with the six largest banks in the country. It may seem that there is a complex job, but it is. It's just the tip of the iceberg - says La Salette.
According to the director of febraban, which is also the ombudsman Citibank for approximately two decades, the ombudsman system is evolving. Recently, after the launch of the National Consumption and Citizenship (Plandec) by the federal government in March, FEBRABAN and the National Consumer (Senacon) have intensified dialogue to find solutions to customer complaints from the banking system. Changes in care have been discussed with the department, said:

- It is no longer a simple relationship (between banks and consumers). Banks today are perhaps more service providers present in the lives of Brazilians.
And this increases the demands - says La Salette, highlighting the newly access to banking services in a new class consumers in Brazil.

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Source: The Globe

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