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Health plans may have to cover oral chemotherapy at home


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Proposal was approved by the Senate and goes to vote in the House of Representatives
The Senate has today (16) the first step for people with cancer can do at home, oral chemotherapy with the coverage of health plans. The bill was voted on in character terminative Social Affairs Committee (BAC) and follows the House for consideration.

The proposal requires that health plans also cover in home care, the use of medication to control adverse effects. This possibility is not foreseen by the standards of the National Health Agency (ANS) which monitors and controls the health plans.

In the case of plans that cover hospitalization, the bill requires coverage of home care and outpatient chemotherapy, radiotherapy procedures and hemotherapy. The goal, according to the author of the bill, Ana Amelia Lemos (PP-RS), is to ensure continuity of care during hospitalization.

Once approved by the House and signed by the President of the Republic, the new law comes into force 180 days after the date of publication in the Official Gazette. Ana Amelia explained that about 40% of cancer treatments employ drugs for domestic use.

She added that, therefore, these treatments should be covered by health insurance, which does not happen by transferring most of these patients and their healthcare costs for the Unified Health System (SUS).

Source: The Day on Line

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