Clipping of news on Brazilian Culture, Law and Citizenship


Rumors of H1N1 vaccine are irresponsible, says Health Ministry


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An avalanche of e-mails have circulated saying that the new vaccination against influenza can be a great conspiracy to reduce the population of the planet. The strongest message conveyed by saying that the vaccine contains toxic substances, was sent to the G1 by dozens of readers.

The e-mail was sent to the Ministry of Health, which denied the information. "More than 300 million people have been immunized with this vaccine in the Northern Hemisphere, with no serious side effect. The vaccine is effective, safe and protects the population, "says the federal agency in a statement sent to the G1.
"E-mails and irresponsible rumors like these occur in all campaigns around the world."

A question that has preoccupied much pregnant women is whether the new vaccine can cause some type of malformation in babies.
"There is no report or evidence of fetal malformation due to influenza H1N1 vaccine," said the ministry.
CHECK OUT misinformation that is circulating on Internet See excerpts from e-mail spreading rumor that the vaccine against the new flu is toxic.

TIDBIT: (...) about NOT taking this vaccine murders that are wanting to be compulsory think it's Tamiflu.

INFORMATION CORRECT: Tamiflu is the name of the medicine used after the onset of the disease, and not the name of the vaccine.
TIDBIT: A mass vaccination is scheduled for early autumn there for you .. Whatever happens DO NOT take!
It will triple.

CORRECT INFORMATION: Vaccination is being done in one step.
For children who are between six months and two years old incomplete (23 months) will be given half dose and after 21 days of the second half.
TIDBIT: And according to people who are working hard to prevent this mass genocide of the planet, it has mercury in oil and squalene, which are highly toxic.

CORRECT INFORMATION: In fact, mercury is a toxic substance. According to the director of clinical trials of the Butantan Institute, Alexander Roberto Precioso, however, "the amount of mercury that has this vaccine is very small and not considered harmful to health".
The information was given in an interview with National Journal.

In relation to squalene, the Ministry of Health states that the substance is not harmful to health. [Squalene] is removed from the liver of the shark and the like.
This is a supercomplemento food, as well as oil and cod liver oil emulsion Scott, "the ministry said in a statement sent to the G1.
TIDBIT: Here in Rio Butantã already bought the damn (...)

CORRECT INFORMATION: The Butantan Institute is linked to the Health Department of Sao Paulo, and does not maintain any facility in Rio de Janeiro.
TIDBIT: (...) attempted mass murder of people on the planet through compulsory vaccination (...)

CORRECT INFORMATION: In Brazil, as well as in several other countries, vaccination is optional, and no one is required to be immunized.
TIDBIT: (...) the sale of a vaccine that was not tested.

CORRECT INFORMATION: According to the Ministry of Health, the new vaccine was developed based on common vaccine against influenza.
The difference was just the type of virus.

Private Network - Private Health Care after the G1 endorse the claims of the ministry.
In Sao Paulo, the Syrian-Lebanese hospitals and Albert Einstein confirmed that applied in their professional vaccine distributed by the federal government - the same being used in the whole population.

Fear of vaccine - Panic and rumors on immunization campaigns is not new.
In 1904, when the medical hygienist Dr. Oswaldo Cruz wanted to get to Rio de Janeiro of smallpox, the population rebelled against a federal law that required people to vaccinate.

Between 10 and 16 November of that year, the city - then capital of the country - lived days of war. Trams were overturned, tracks ripped and barricades were set. The episode, known as "Vaccine Revolt," marked the history of the First Republic.
The disease was eradicated from Brazil in 1973, and in 1980 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared smallpox extinct.

In 2008, a wave of rumors also left many people afraid of vaccination against rubella. "Circulated on the Internet rumors that instead of immunizing the population, the Brazilian government wanted to sterilize people of reproductive age to birth control.
But fortunately, the campaign was a success and Brazil is about to receive the certificate of Brazil Free of Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome, "says the Ministry of Health (Source: G1)

Source: Environment Portal Brazil

This article was translated by an automatic translation system, and was therefore not reviewed by people.

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