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Medicine against dengue

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Anvisa registered homeopathic compound made with a snake venom that facilitates recovery of the disease and help prevent it

João Ricardo Gonçalves

Rio - Already on sale in pharmacies in Rio the first medicine that helps combat the symptoms of dengue. This is the Proden approved by the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) at the end of last year. The doctor who developed the drug - a compound that is homeopathic in its composition of rattlesnake venom - tests showed that the drug facilitates recovery of the disease and help prevent it.

According to the record of Anvisa, the compressed version of the Proden ease the symptoms of dengue and can be sold without prescription. "It does not cause side effects and reduces the recovery time a lot of patients," said the pharmacist Ezequiel Viriato, Homeopathic Laboratory Almeida Prado. It is a warning: "It means that people with symptoms should stop going to the doctor and stop fighting mosquito."

The drug was developed by researchers of the Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto and medical Renan Marino. The idea came to the compound during an epidemic in São José do Rio Preto, where patients had contracted the types 1 and 2 were taking the dengue type 3. "The symptoms are similar, although in different intensities," said Marino.

The doctor, 80% of a group of 20 thousand people for whom the drug was distributed did not have the disease, indicating that, although not a vaccine, the Proden can prevent dengue. The dosage for the treatment and prevention, however, is different.

Marino explained the presence of a snake venom: "A person who is bitten is bleeding. When the poison is used in homeopathic measures, he reverses this effect. This was known in the medical literature, but we did tests on rats showed that animals treated with the compound recovered blood platelets. "

Used by the Municipality of Macaé during an epidemic, the medicine is very sought in Rio, where it is sold for prices between $ 30 and U.S. $ 34. "I received yesterday and has already sold three," said the manager of a pharmacy in the center, Luiz Costa, 60. He did not use the medicine out: "Last year, my daughter and niece had the disease. The number of platelets dropped them too. Even though this year seems to have fewer cases. "

Source: The Day

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