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The importance of linguinha test for breastfeeding


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Expert clarifies the questions on the exam 

lisp can disrupt breastfeeding and speech (Photo: Thinkstock)

When Lydia, now one year, was born, his mother, Daniele Aragaki, noticed that her daughter had difficulty feeding. "I felt that something was wrong; it was a lot of sucking and I was very frustrated because had researched a lot to breastfeed. Maternity, there were some breastfeeding groups and, with them, I learned various techniques. It was positive, but I was a long time thinking that the problem was with me. I cried to nurse and she did not earn the right weight. When Lydia completed 6 months, I went to a pediatrician who found that she had a problem with the language. I looked for a speech therapist and did the test linguinha. The indication is surgical, but we were afraid. The exercises were enough for her to suckle better and I continue breastfeeding, "she says.

Cases with Lydia are not uncommon. So much so that since 2014, hospitals and public and private hospitals are required to perform the so-called test linguinha, as determined by Law 13,002 / 2014. To clarify the main questions about the GROW procedure talked to the pathologist Raquel Luzardo, language expert and director of the clinic Speech therapy (SP).

GROW - What is it and how is the test of linguinha?

Raquel Luzardo - The test of linguinha is a procedure used to detect if the child is arrested or not language. That is, if the frenulum, the membrane that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth, has a problem.

C - When should it be done the test and how it is done?

RL - The test should be done in the first hours of life the baby, still in the maternity ward. This is very important because it prevents early weaning. If not, the procedure can be done in office. The test is basically observation and manipulation with your fingers. It should be done by an audiologist. In it, there is the child during breastfeeding to see frenulum functionality. Then there is an anatomical analysis, where we pay attention, for example, in the language of posture while crying.

C - The test is free?

RL - follows the same principle of other tests, such as newborn screening and OAE. It is offered free by the NHS and paid when performed in the office.

C - How can parents realize that the child has a lisp? No relationship with breastfeeding?

Rachel Luzardo - The lisp disrupts the suction feeding. A little breast child can not suck and get properly Nipple, which often hurt the mother and eventually lead to early weaning. Later, the child may have difficulty moving food from one side to the other of the mouth, as well as demonstrating problems with speech. Some phonemes become more difficult to perform as the "l" and "r". Instead of talking strawberry, she'll talk "Molango," for example. Such situations can leave the shyest child, withdrawn and does avoid some words or sounds, requesting the lifting of the tongue.

GROW - When surgery is indicated?

Rachel Luzardo - Several levels of lisp. Roughly speaking, the test has a score that ranges from zero to 27, but depends on the age of the patient group. According to age, from the score 9, surgery is indicated. The procedure is simple. In these cases, just a pike (a small cut in the frenulum) to correct the problem. The procedure, which should be done by a dentist, otolaryngologist or plastic surgeon, takes about 10 minutes, you do not need anesthesia (an anesthetic ointment is enough). Babies can suckle soon after. There is no minimum or maximum age limit to perform the surgery. However after a complete Child 1 year, it may be more complicated, requiring hospitalization and anesthesia.


Source: Growing

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