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Exercise helps the brain to be more resistant to stress


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Tests on mice showed that when they maintained physical activity and were experiencing something stressful the brain region that regulates anxiety was stimulated
Physical activity reorganizes the brain in order to become more resistant to stress, according to research from Princeton University, USA, published in "Journal of Neuroscience".

Tests on mice showed that when they held regular physical activity and were experiencing something stressful - such as exposure to cold water - their brains showed increased activity of neurons that cut the excitement in the ventral hippocampus, a brain region that regulates anxiety. For the experiment, one group of mice ran on the wheel while others were sedentary. They ran an average of four miles per shift and six weeks later they were exposed to cold water for a short period of time.
These findings show that exercise reduces anxiety while also promote the growth of new neurons in the ventral hippocampus. How these new neurons are potentially more excitable than their older counterparts, the exercise should result in more anxiety, not less. But the Princeton researchers found that exercise also strengthens the mechanisms that prevent the loss of brain cells.

The impact of physical activity in the ventral hippocampus had not been explored thoroughly, said the author Elizabeth Gould, a professor of psychology at the university. By doing this, the team pointed cells and brain regions important for the regulation of anxiety that may help scientists better understand and treat anxiety disorders, according to the researcher.

"Understanding how the brain regulates anxiety behavior gives clues that can help people with anxiety disorder.
This also shows us how the brain changes in response to the environment, "said the teacher in a statement.

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Source: The Globe - Online

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