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Increasing cases of disease transmitted by cat in Rio de Janeiro


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Agency of Brazil

Rio de Janeiro - The Clinical Research Institute Evandro Chagas (IPEC), a unit of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), said that over the past 15 years, 4000 people in the state contracted sporotrichosis, a disease transmitted by cats, which causes sores skin that do not heal. They were treated at the institution. The causative agent is the fungus Sporothrix schenckii transmitted due to a lack of veterinary treatment and prophylaxis of control animals.

Most cases are residents of municipalities of the Baixada Fluminense and most recently has affected people in the area west of the Rio Classically, the disease, also known as a disease of the gardener, is acquired through contaminated materials and mainly affects gardeners, farmers and florists.

According to the doctor Carlos Antonio Francesconi-do-Valle, a researcher at Fiocruz, the disease has been considered rare in the state, but in recent years IPEC found a high number of infected cats.

"The team IPEC found that about 85% of patients did not contract the disease by the classic shape and, yes, through bites, scratches or other contact with sick cats. The data draws attention, because for a long time feline sporotrichosis was considered rare. however, in the last seven years were diagnosed in IPEC over 1,500 cats with sporotrichosis from Rio. "

According to the dermatologist, the patient with symptoms of sporotrichosis should seek a medical and begin treatment units that offer this type of treatment.

"First we should mention that cats are the great villains. The disease in humans can catch through contact with animals or by contaminated soil. To be contaminated must have a grievance, either a hole or scratch the skin. The patient diagnosed need to take a drug provided by the National Health System [SUS] and to undergo treatment for at least three months, "said Francesconi.

For the researcher, the lesions caused by the disease, depending on the area of the body, leaving the person with low self-esteem as "the apparent nodules are ugly, like scar tissue." According to him, the skin lesion begins as a small red lump, which, over time, become soft and releases a purulent discharge and turns into a wound. The wound, which often appear on the hands, arms or legs, can lead others in a kind of trail from the initial injury.

In patients in IPEC, according Francesconi, have been observed rare manifestations of sporotrichosis as wounds with multiple locations, including multiple paths, and mucosal lesions of the mouth, nose and eyes.
Among the health facilities that provide care are the Santa Casa de Misericordia of Rio de Janeiro and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.

Source: Agency Brazil

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